07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon families!

We started out in the front yard mingling with all our friends and building acquaintances with our fellow cohort. The children have shown interest in cars and trucks. The Toddler friends then transitioned indoors for our morning tea and group time.

Four our group time today Miss Maddi did some red handprint flowers with the children for our remembrance day. They really enjoyed the tickles around their hands.

We have had some lovely conversations with the children during our group time reading the “FARM” book. The children helped Miss Bec to read the animal book and saying each animal and point to it making the animals noises.  Miss Thais got our box of animals and found the animals to match the ones in the book.  The children were clever matching the animals.

They really enjoyed our meals today and now are sleeping for more play Outdoor later.

Miss Thais, Miss Maddi, Miss Bec