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Happy Wednesday everyone!!! we hope your all have a wonderful week so far, today Miss Shelby and Miss Step would like to welcome our new friend Rania to the toddler two room and to the centre. We also welcome our friends Kezia, Lachlan, Alanis, Luca, Willow, Quinn, Dominic and Alexia here today.

Unfortunately due to the wet weather this morning we had no outside play.

What a wonderful day we had today, when Rania arrived this morning she spent some time with her dad looking at a book which she was interested in as she had the same book at home. While looking at the pictures in the book it was beautiful listening to her use her words as she recognised and named some of the animals she could see. Rania said the words bird, crocodile and giraffe while she looked the book with her dad.

Today we continued with the focus of nature by painting a picture of a tree with green water paint to create our nature wall up in the room. Our friend Kezia, Dominic, Willow and Quinn chose to have a turn at the painting activity.

Miss Steph thought it would be a fun idea to make some green play dough to go with the nature theme colour, she added the ingredients onto the table and the children gathered around to mix the ingredients together to make the green play dough. Once the play dough was made Miss Shelby added some nature materials- sticks , leaves and rocks to the play dough for the children to explore and create with.

Luca, Kezia and Willow were interested in exploring the coloured connector pieces with them using their problem solving skills to figure out how to connect them together. Luca used his words to say ”wow” once he figured out how he connects the pieces together. Dominic was sitting down with Miss Shelby’s singing bear where he was pressing the bear’s tummy to watch it light up and hear it sing.


Just a quick reminder- we are now having water play outside of a morning and afternoon so please pack some spare changes of clothes for your child and make sure they are named so we know who they belong to.


Miss Shelby and Miss Steph