07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!

This week Miss Shelby and Miss Steph will be handing out some Easter Holiday involvement forms as we would love to hear what you are doing over the Easter long weekend. If you could please write down a little of what you did, we would appreciate it. Please return form to Miss Shelby or Miss Steph.

During morning tea Luca was singing twinkle, twinkle little star so Miss Shelby started to sing the song with him, Luca responded saying ‘’again’’ to Miss Shelby to sing the song again and Willow and Alanis joined in doing the actions to the song. Luca also said ‘’bus’’ so Miss Shelby sang the wheels on the bus, Kezia joined in saying ‘’beep, beep, beep’’ and also sang and did the actions to open shut them with Willow, Luca, Alanis and Kezia singing along and doing the actions.

Today Willow and Kezia decorated their Easter baskets with Easter foam decorations and Alanis painted her Easter basket with different coloured paint. Miss Shelby brought some Easter shaped cutters to do painting with today. The children used the cutters to dab up and down on the paper to create the carrot, flower, Easter egg and bunny shape on the paper in different colours of the paint.


Luca was also busy making a train out of the lego blocks, Willow, Alanis and Kezia were exploring the pop-up toys pressing the button to see what pops up. Willow said ‘’ bear’’ when she watched the bear pop up.

Miss Shelby