07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello Parents and Friends!!! 😊
Happy Wednesday and a warm welcome from Toddlers Two.

What a fabulous day we are having around here today. In this chill morning, our day began with our friends sharing cuddles and smiles in our classroom. Everybody was excited to explore around and searching for their self interest toys and games. The most popular choices were:

♠ Construction area – Building with soft blocks and magnetics were the favourite experience, they liked building tall towers and after smashed it, they also enjoyed building car ramps to play with the little car, and houses and ice cream with the magnetics shapes.

♠ Home corner – Our friends had a such great fun playing in our little kitchen today. Putting the apron on they enjoyed pretending they are cooking to each other, making meals as watermelon juice, cakes and fish sandwiches, our friends had so much fun.

♥ Is amazing to see the beautiful friendship our friends have been building with their friends and educators! 😊

In our group time today, Miss Jess started it singing the children favourite rhyme songs, then Miss Gabi invited the kids to travel a long as we read a story time 😊
Today we read a book that calls “ My mum is magnificent” – Engaged in the story, the children commented and recognized their self in the story, we just could to listen they said “ that is my mum”, “ I love my mum too”, “ hug mummy” – was pretty cute! ♥♥

After morning tea was time for our table experience, and today we had a sensory play with Playdough. They happily made their way to the table to play and express their creativity. Sharing playdough tool as scissor, plastic shapes, and rollers our friends made some pigs, love heart, stars, moons, balls and much more with the red dough. This learning opportunity supported our friends in language development, motor fine skills, problem solving and social interaction.

Was a incredible morning around here today, so much laugh, so much noise and so much love.

Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big play outside in the afternoon!

Check out the photos.

With love,

Miss Gabi, Miss Jess, Miss Hope and Miss Brooke