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Happy Monday Parents and Families 🙂
A warm welcome from Toddlers 2 classroom  

We welcomed aboard your little cherubs with warm smiles and open arms as they were dropped off. This morning the weather was inviting in the warm sun, the children set foot to the outdoors as they were eager to explore our toddlers yard. Our toddlers friends were so excited to play and explore all the environment today!  The sandpit was the favourite spot in this morning and our friends choice for a playtime together – they sharing the sand toys, helping each other make sand cupcake, fill in trucks with sand and much more.
Was amazing  to see our friends enjoying each other company 🙂
The time passes so fast when we are having fun then it is time to pack away the playground and get ready to go to the toilet , morning tea time and our group time.
When we made our way to our classroom we sat all together in the group mat for a little story time. Before we read a book Miss Gabi had a little chat with the children and asked them “how was your weekend?” ” what did you do?” then a few friends enjoyed participating saying:
” I play with mummy” – ” I play park” – said Noah,
” Beach, shell” – said little Jackson
” Daddy, mummy, play” – said Cameron
” Play mum`s house” – said Indi
” I play with Mathew” – said Mia
 Its so wonderful listening what they have done through the weekend.
Once everybody had a turn to say what they did in the weekend it was time for our story, today Miss Gabi picked a story called ” Dinosaur” as it will be our focus for the week. The book brought curiosity about what the dinosaur ate?, what size they were? The toddlers children were so engage in the book and we finished the story with everybody doing  BIG ” ROOOOAR” like dinosaurs.
Then we sang our transition song and and had a smooth transition to washing hands
 and morning tea time.

For morning tea today we had a delicious Strawberry crostini with Whipped vegan ricotta served with medley of seasonal fresh fruits. 

After morning tea time we continued exploring and learning around here. around here. This morning our friends freely engage in:
♥ Building with the large Lego blocks
♣ Driving the cars around on the car mat
♥ Building ramps for the cars with the large wooden blocks
♣ Home corner

In our group play experience today our friends were invited to rescue dinosaur. Using age appropriate scissor and knifes our toddlers friends helped rescue the dinosaurs that were stuck together in a large tray with stick tape. This sensory based experience is a very fun way to help toddlers  improve fine motor skills and problem solve skills and also having fun because they absolutely love removing sticky tape.

It was so much going on, so much noise, and so much fun around here today! 🙂

For Lunch time today we had a yummy Rainbow noodles fish bowl served with a delicious self select salad bar. 

Now we had a lovely rest time on our beds listening to soft music for having other amazing playtime in this afternoon! 

P.S As it is getting warmer to make sure to pack shorts and sun safe short sleeve shirts please.
PS2: Sorry, we continue having some issues to put the photos on the blog. 

With Love,
Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Su.