Happy rainy Thursday Families & Friends! 

Today Mister Don and Miss Gabi welcome Austin, Jacob, Taylah, Hamilton, Keyahlee, Elliott, Angelina, Graysen, Bobby, Parker, Isabelle, Kaitlyn, Maddison, Harper, Ariah, Emily and Tyler in own Vacation Care team. 

Thursday was creativity day a day that the children used their imaginations and inventiveness to create! The highlight of the day was making shoes. Miss Gabi set up a table with different colors of paint and marks and the students choose to do a free paint in instead of a tie daying style they get very involved in decorating their own pair of shoes. The children particularly enjoyed this activity due to the creative freedom it allowed. Also this morning the children had the opportunity to enjoy an Arankan lesson, they improve their skills during the lesson. 

We are planning to have a relaxing in Nhammy arvo. We will make delicious fruit and gluten-free yogurt smoothie. The children are so excited waiting for it. They also enjoyed the play-based experiences as a: coloring, imaginative play, clay, jewelry making, Lego, board games, creating at their art table, reading and much more. 

Unfortunately own Transport Day wasn’t successful because the weather and the children couldn’t go outside.    

Check out the photos from today! 

With Love, 

Miss Gabi