Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to a wonderful day in the Kindergarten.
We have been very busy in the Kindergarten this morning with lots of wonderful learning occurring through the children’s play.
We started our morning at group time where we sung our hello song incorporating languages from lots of other countries. The children are now singing along to the song with more confidence and seem to be enjoying using these greetings during our role call. We continued our discussion about hand hygiene revisiting why the children thought we needed to wash our hands, the process of washing our hands and singing our catchy wash you hands song. Our mat time helper today was Graysen who confidently transitioned the children from the mat singing “bee bee bumble bee”song which is the children’s favourite song to sing. I was so proud of the way Graysen did this with such confidence. I wonder who our helper will be tomorrow?
The children then moved off into their chosen activities, it was great to see the children engaging themselves in the play experiences they wanted with confidence and organising their resources and materials if their chosen activity was not available. Today Hayley really wanted to explore the play dough, as this was not out on the table she showed great initiative as she put the play dough out sharing out four balls and making sure there was enough rolling pins for her peers. Great work Hayley. The children were using such great imagination and creativity as they manipulated the play dough into their desired creations. Today we had pancakes, pizza, snails and trees.
Today the children had the opportunity to revisit the experience from yesterday which was, who can build the tallest tower?. Once again the children were very drawn to this experience, some mentioning that they wanted to build a taller tower than yesterday. Today I incorporated a new material to this experience which was ice block sticks to see how the children could use these in their structures. A common theme was using these as bridges. We will continue to revisit this experience for the remainder of the week as the children continue to show an interest, adding new materials for the children to incorporate and experiment with. Through this experience the children will have the opportunity to problem solve, persevere with challenges, explore cause and effect, explore and engage with numeracy through counting, exploring height and incorporating mathematical language such as bigger, smaller, taller, balancing and exploring weight. The children also enjoyed revisiting the small connector blocks today where there was lots of tower building and children using their imagination and creativity as they made animals and picture scenes.
Letter tracing fun. Today the children had the opportunity to continue to explore literacy in meaningful ways, today using a different medium which was sand. As the children engaged in this experience they had the opportunity to choose letters that they would like to trace in the sand using paintbrushes, cotton tips or their fingers. The children were really drawn to this experience with many of the children choosing individual letters from their name to trace in the sand, their names and also trying to form a variety of letters. Tomorrow we will revisit letter tracing instead of the sand we will use paint as a variation.
As it is International friendship day. Today the children celebrated this day and their friends by engaging in activities with one another. The children had the opportunity to come and talk with Miss Emma and share what they liked about their friends and what they enjoyed doing with them. The children also enjoyed having their photo taken with their friend. It was so nice to hear the wonderful thoughts the children had about their special friends, and it is so nice to see such respectful relationships in the Kindergarten room.
A long with the planned experiences this morning there was a lot of child initiated play occurring in the room as children engaged in puzzles both independently and collaboratively with their peers, home corner play and expressing their creativity and imagination as they painted on the easels.
This afternoon the children will have the opportunity to explore, and experiment with the play dough as they use their imagination and creativity. They will have the opportunity to revisit the letter tracing, puzzles and they have asked to do some drawing as well during their quiet activity time.
At our group time this afternoon the children will have the opportunity to place their vote for the name they would like to call the take home bear. Through engaging in this voting experience, the children will have the opportunity to explore numeracy as we create a tally, and counting up the votes. They will also explore the concept of fairness, as the name with the most votes will be the winning name.
We will then move out into the outdoor environment and engage in a variety of play with our friends. Have a great afternoon everyone.
Miss Emma and Miss Nikki