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This morning the children warmed up for cross country with a group game of tiggy. Choice of children’s favourite songs as they shared conversations on the swing. Violet Hazel and Wynter cooked up a storm with dramatic play in the mud kitchen.  As an extension and request from Bobby, this morning we had a group chat about the life cycles and environmental significance of the grasshopper. Building self confidence, the children shared in an experience of watching or holding grasshoppers. Conquering their fears. Watching them jump and fly was certainly a thrill. Matilda sienna and Scarlet went for a slower paced experience as they interacted with the snails. Children’s popular song choice to transition to school was “Without me”.  A quick look at our skink in the worm farm on the way to school.

This afternoon we once again interacted with the bugs and created nature craft. As and extension from the children drawing leaves this morning we collected leaves and used recycled paper with hole punches and string.  The children created signs, bracelets, and necklaces.

Challenges of Jenga and quiet times with the snails before we played tiggy outdoors again.

thanks for reading.

Looking forward to  more adventures tomorrow


Miss Lea